La terrazza sul bosco

Via Lovatei - 21 Sospirolo (Province of Belluno) ITALY
What you want to eat or drink
We appreciate products not to be kept in the fridge
Any place to go on holiday
First we can agree on the place to see if it can fit
Wood or charcoal for fire
We accept wood or charcoal for the fire
Cat's food
Cat food such as kibble, canned meat
We are happy to host you. We remind you that it is a campsite so we offer the pitch and the tent you have to bring. Do you have your own tents to bring? Alternatively if you want we can open a small room or the tree house for you, the house is old and simple in style, it doesn’t have the comforts of a hotel😅. The house is located in the woods.

We give you more information about the place: The bathroom is outside. Do you even need to take a shower? usually in the summer we leave a special tank for the shower (cold water though) There is no running water in the place, further down there is a fountain. We leave you more tanks with tap with water. We also offer outdoor table and chairs and two USB sockets. you will have the whole garden and the forest at your disposal only. We are waiting for you!
  • Private parking
  • Garden
  • Terrace
  • Pets allowed

Send your bartering offer
Barter accepted all year round

Hey, I'm Maria